Photo credit Convergent Energy & Power

The Challenge

Climate Action – Climate Change – Global Warming!

 Part Solution

Quest for Net Zero 2030 – Decarbonization – Transition to Clean-Renewable Energy – Worldwide De-carbonization via clean-renewable energy innovations and deployments.


At best, dire – according to actions taken or not on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal #13 (SDG #13) – “take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.”

Many climate change impacts are already felt at the current 1.2 °C (2.2 °F) level of warming. Additional warming will increase these impacts and can trigger tipping points, such as the melting of the Greenland ice sheet.[10] Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, nations collectively agreed to keep warming “well under 2 °C”. However, with pledges made under the Agreement, global warming would still reach about 2.7 °C (4.9 °F) by the end of the century.

Our Part

To, over time, equitably deploy and accelerate the transition to clean-renewable energy innovations – solar for all – even in Disadvantaged and Underserved Communities. Specifically:

Community-benefitting deployments – equitable deployments of clean-renewable energy innovations and their associated meaningful benefits (Community Solar | State, Local, and Tribal Governments | NREL ) in Disadvantaged and Underserved Communities in Illinois – with the benefits accruing to the residents and or Critical Community Assets, (CCAs) – civic, community, educational institutions, including non-profit organizations and municipal facilities.

Irrespective of their circumstances, everyone should benefit from clean-renewable energy innovations. This is the driving force behind the company – an Approved Vendor (Equity Eligible Contractor (EEC)) in Illinois Shines, legislatively known as the Adjustable Block Program, which supports the development of on-site solar (Distributed Generation) as well as Community Solar projects.

There are tremendous opportunities for Distributed Generation and Community Solar, including adaptive reuse of Brownfield sites (contaminated sites) for clean-renewable energy in Illinois – and Illinois has progressively enacted favorable clean-renewable energy legislations while looking to do more! Illinois is one of the top clean-renewable energy-generating states in the country.

Our approach is through community-focused collaborations – for effective project identification/siting, effective community engagement, and effective marketing /outreach. Specifically:

    • Collaborations with established clean-renewable energy development and engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) companies; 
    • Collaborations with established or emerging community development-oriented marketing & research companies;
    • Collaborations with state-sponsored job training organizations for workforce development;  
    • Collaborations with local government and community organizations in host communities (project sites) – planning and achieving the meaningful benefits of clean renewable energy, and
    • Collaborations with local intermediaries in creating opportunities for minority, women, and veteran business enterprises (MWVBEs) in the host communities.

Commercial & Industrial

Distributed Generation – up to 1 MW electrification of Critical Community Assets.

Community Solar

Utility-scale (solar farms) up to 5 MW – ideally re-purposing America’s Brownfields and other suitable sites, including farms for agrivoltaics –  agriculture/farming with complementing solar array.

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS)

In preparation for the continued increase in electricity for demand management and grid resiliency, to the extent possible, select solar sitings will include complimentary BESS installations.

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

In preparation for the expected increase in the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and the expected demand for charging infrastructure, the vision is to install EV charging infrastructure at strategic community sites – essentially near where people live, work and shop.

Photo credit Getty Images: On-site rooftop solar and solar farm combination

Photo credit Getty Images: Rooftop solar-sourced EV charging infrastructure

Taking Action – Focused on Equity


1718 Greenwood Street Evanston, IL 60201-4035
© Copyright 2023 The AOO SG Inc.